What is What ?


What is What ?

From the beginning of my early childhood and after that years I always searched a workplace fulled with collaboration , peace and love. Now I realized that I found that with Free Software Movement.

I’ll be happy to support your business whether it is large or small size with our without gaining profit/money. I say this because if the collective approach to business in other words what we do together is not Free Software and freedom respecting then I can’t talk with you. But if we write Free Software then I can help you without gaining money.


Free Software fosters endless possibilities. For Hardware, Science, Art, Culture, and tools in other words Software. I don’t want to waste my time for nonfree software. But I don’t want to start a war. I want to focus on hacking my own software and business. All my efforts are related with this.

So let’s get started !

happy hacking !

24 March 2025 Türkiye, İstanbul, Dünya

Mert Gör

Mert Gör

Masscollabs Services is a Cloud Platform for Free Software people and my e-mail is mertgor@masscollabs.xyz and my GPG Key ID is 0x03E547D043AB6C8F